Fall of Society (Video Series)

Our world is not as perfect as we think. Many still suffer the evil that is racism and a new vile hatred has risen. The subordination of LGBT people! Archaic gender roles are still placed on men and women, even in our "modern world". This is further worsened by the messages that the media is sending children on how people should look and dress. War is also a topic for major concern as it still afflicts our world. Why we fight is no longer a simple question to answer. It has moved beyond the simpleton terms of "good" and "evil". Profit and raw materials are what now fuel our nations lust for war. Our nation's rampant and unrelenting consumerism is the least grave of these issues and yet it is destroying our planet! So in an attempt to express my frustration with how our broken world works (trying to stay PG here, curse word are so tempting) I have created a series of video montages that put a spotlight on these issues. Hope you enjoy them!!

                                        Click here to see the rest of the series

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